Different approaches for setting up Android Development Environment

There are several options to prepare Android Development environment in Eclipse.

A) First Approach:
i) Install Eclipse and add ADT (Android Development Tool) plugin to it.
ii) Install Android SDK and configure it in Eclipse
Please Refere to : Installation of Android Development Tools (ADT)

B) Second Approach:
i) Download ADT Bundle (Android SDK + Eclipse) from below URL,

ii) Unzip the bundle and start Eclipse
[n this approach ADT is already available and not need to install any ADT plugin like (A) above]

How to import existing Android Project into the Eclipse

1) From Eclipse menu select (File/Import)

2) Select an import source to (Android/Existing Android Code Into Workspace)

3) Select project to be imported by select the top level project directory

What is adb (Android Debug Bridge) ?

Android Debug Bridge (adb) is a command line tool that allows to communicate with emulator instance or real connected handset.